
My prayer for this week of Thanksgiving is that healing is made real in the lives of the people close to me who need it, and we can find a well-spring of joy and thankfulness.

Father, we are so hesitant
in asking for healing,
real physical healing.
So hesitant in asking
your Spirit to touch our lives.
It is almost as if we are afraid
that in hoping for a trickle,
we unleash a torrent.
Forgive our timidity, Father,
our lack of faith
in the Creator of this universe.
Forgive our unbelief,
as we take your Word,
apply it to our hearts,
open the floodgates,
and anticipate a deluge.

Find this prayer at:

Take God seriously

A quote from Anthony Smith…

You don’t need human permission to participate in God’s revolution. All you have to do is take the invitation seriously.

I want to take God’s invitation seriously. My prayer is that my whole life reflects this priority, and not priorities from other people. I want to reflect God’s love to those around me – this is my part in God’s revolution.

God in other people

What we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people, and do our best to help them find their own grace. That’s what I strive to do, that’s what I pray to do every day.

Barack Obama

Another gem from minEmergent that is a challenge for myself to remember every day.