Basics closeup

Amazing how you see the flaws close-up but the overall picture can still be great. A reminder to work on the details but never lose sight of the big picture.

Basic stitching

Warmed up my color muscles, then on to the stitching muscles in the hands, feet, and mind. Some day these will warm up Christmas cards. (Hopefully in 2012)

Old basics

Another way to free up creativity is small pieces. Cleaning up the studio I put away a collection of fabric and fused plastic from this palette from summer of 2011.

Back to basics

Bottled-up creativity remains quiescent until an outlet is created. Returning to the basics frees the muscles to remember paths once followed and frees the mind to imagine new ones. A stash in need of cleaning, fingers in need of freeing, and a gift not needed combine to form these simple table centers, ready for hospitality.

Hands and imagination shaking off the accumulated rust of doing what is needed, to do it just for fun!