Going green cards

Even the studio has been warm, so I’m enjoying making composites for cards, but the sewing not so much. Finally with less heat, the studio has been much cooler. My “going green” cards are fun to put together … I’m enjoying thinking about my ex officio green cargo pants and miscellaneous thread getting a new lease on life!

Small blessings

I like working on small projects with my hands; I find it relaxing and a way to create thoughtful space. With Kels and Taylor gone I’ve had some quiet time to think, and create.

If I’m made in the image of God, what part of this image needs drawing out? How can I let go of the mold I am in? What kinds of shaping need to happen in my life? How can I listen for God’s voice?

These small creations will eventually become cards that can become blessings for others. How can I bless someone near to me tomorrow?

God’s goodness seeping in

I’ve been reading Kathy Escobar’s blog, and she makes me think in good ways. Here is a snippet I want to ponder more……..

to me, the kingdom is God’s goodness seeping in, here, now, in little and big ways. it’s love piercing through the darkness. grace breathing new life into us despite our circumstances. it’s being healed in some areas and still sick in others. it’s miracles that don’t look like miracles but really are. it’s the weird paradox of dark & light mixed together in the same space.
