I like poems that make me think, explicate my beliefs, challenge the rote answers, and wonder. This post from MinEmergent (I get their daily thought emails) is one that I want to come back to this week…..more than once. The thought that “there is the opportunity for real hope to break in” is one I have been pondering. How does it happen? How am I a part? Where should my strength come from? Where do I find my balance in the duality that I am enough and yet can lean into God?
ZIMSUMTerry L. ChapmanGod Is In ControlReally?No matter how many timesI hear these wordsthere is a voice,that with convincing whisper,insists this is faux hope.Some, in order to liveas if this is the rock onwhich the castle of their faith is builtremain vigilantly poised on the parapetsummoning the hope they learned in Sunday Schoolthat the siege of life’s demonsmight be held backby making the confession over and over-God is in controlGod is in controlGod is in controlas if by its very repetition itmight become trueand at last the weapons ofthis spiritual warfare can bebut back in the armory-God is in controlGod is in controlGod is in control!Hoping against all hopethat it is true-the unimaginablebetrayal that it isn’t.To say so is to turn your back on allthat is right, and true and american-sinking into the abyss unbelief.God is not in control.There, I said it.Now in the letting go of theseshackles that, unimaginably,restrict God’s freedom,God’s wild, beautiful, terribleintention to create a free world,there is an opening createdfor real hope to break in-real hopethat all that is is in Godin whom we live and move and have being.And not just us but the other too.And not just the other but the whole cosmosin God has being.Real hope isthat God bears all-that all is in the womb of God-that out of this space-in-Godthe new is being bornand in the fullness of timeGod will be all in alland there will no longerbe any need to believeGod is in control.