The fresh colors of summer inspired this baby quilt – probably my favorite fabric is the red Liberty print from Sew to Speak in Ohio. Picking out fabrics and designing with half-square triangle squares I find relaxing.
This quilt original had a bit different vibe, but it didn’t feel right, so I listened to feedback from my mom, took out the tree fabric, then took out the bright reds, and persisted until it ended up here. I’m still not sure, but I do like where it ended up. Thanks to for idea for the straight line quilting with alternating double and single lines.
This quilt began while the girls were studying abroad this summer and I finished it just before the school year started. Once its washed, it will be on its way to a good home somewhere for someone who needs it. Another procrastination stopped and project finished!
This is so cute!! It looks much more modern than that first laying out 🙂 Which filminthefridge quilt did you take the quilting idea from? And where are you sending it??
The diamond quilting came from a bright quilt of all squares of flea market fancy; the idea seemed to work for my half-square triangle quilt too. ( I think it will go to the Family Life Services here in Ann Arbor as they always need more baby supplies for new moms.